An unconventional garment created mainly with sheets of aluminum, electrical cord, and electrical tape. Inspired by futuristic concepts as well as the materials themselves.
When tasked with creating a garment out of unconventional materials, I feel like it's very easy to want to choose matierials that aren't fabric but behave relatively like fabric, in hopes of ensuring success with said material—which is exaclty why the materials I chose do not move like fabric in the slightest. I'm always up for a challenge and learning new ways to problem solve, so I ended up picking sheet metal as my main material for this project—the most un-drapable thing I could think of, to create a garment. That material itself was the main inspiration for this garment, and while it was a huge challenge making this look come together, I am proud of every bit of it to this day.
I created this look by draping a rough pattern on a dress form with poster paper. I then cut and bent pieces of aluminum sheet metal to match the poster paper to best of my ability. When that was done, the pieces were hot glued and duck taped together along with some electrical cord, and nuts and bolts I used as added details. I added electrical tape to all the raw metal edges of the garment for safety and a finishing touch.
Completed: March 2017
Estimated Construction Time: 24 Hours
Honors: Juried into the 2017 MassArt Fashion All School Show and Juried into Illuminate, the 2017 MassArt Fashion Show