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Based on the character from the anime Seraph of the End, directed by Daisuke Tokudo. Original concept and characters created by Takaya Kagami and Yamato Yamamoto as seen in their manga of the same name.


While I kinda feel that Seraph of the End is a little better in concept than in actuality (don't @ me, thanks), that didn't stop me at all from enjoying it. And it especially didn't stop me from enjoying my two favorite colors, green and black, being the main color scheme for the Imperial Dragon Army uniforms in the show. As soon as I saw them, I knew I was going to have to make one, and I am so glad I did because I love it in real life as much as I love it animated.

The uniform itself is made from black suiting and green spandex (which also acts as a lining—it's blinding when I have to put it on and take it off). The katana and sheath are made out of poplar wood, clay, and Worbla — check out this YouTube video of the process:


Originally Completed: October 2016

Alterations Completed: February 2017

Construction Time: 92 hours

Worn At: Another Anime Convention 2016, Halloween 2016, Katsucon 2017, and Anime Boston 2017

Status: Active

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