Based on the fully fledged vampire version of the character from the anime Hellsing: Ultimate, directed by Tomokazu Tokoro. Original concept and characters created by Kouta Hirano in his manga Hellsing.

Hellsing: Ultimate is a show that is simultaneously ridiculous and a masterpiece. I love most of the characters because they are the oddly well-rounded versions of these sort of "anime archetypes," but I ended up cosplaying Seras because I just thought it was so cool how she developed as character. She stayed true to herself, her ideals, and really her sort of innocent air, while also adapting and becoming such a badass over the course of the show. Honestly, if staying true to yourself while becoming a badass isn't major goals, I don't know what is.
The garments were fairly simple and are made out of broadcloth. A few details were added like a hand-painted patch and some interesting buttons. The socks are just basic thigh-high socks that I severely distressed. The arm is a black spandex glove with a sculptural piece made from paper covered in Plasti Dip, halves of ping pong balls painted to look like eyes, and embedded LED twinkle lights.
Completed: February 2017
Construction Time: 52 hours
Worn At: Katsucon 2017
Status: Active
Honors: An Arda Wigs' Weekly Winter WIP Winner 2019