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Based on the character from the anime Paradise Kiss, directed by Osamu Kobayashi. Concept and characters original created by Ai Yazawa as seen in her manga by the same name.


When I watched Paradise Kiss in highschool, I didn't expect it to affect me the way it did. They way the characters cared so much about fashion and design hit me in a way that made me rethink how I felt about those things. After studying music for most of my life I was for sure that was the only option for my career path, but this was the first thing that made me start considering my love of fashion as a viable option as well. When I started at MassArt in 2015 I declared as a fashion major, and I loved studying there so much that I decided later freshman year to make a costume from this show as a way to show openly how much it meant to me.

I frankensteined a pattern for the garment together by modifying simple dress and shirt patterns that I already had, and constructed the final piece with cotton blends. The "socks" are two pairs of tights spliced together with a lace trim in the middle. The wig was one of my first attempts at a more complicated wig; it is a base pigtail wig with two curly clips styled into big buns.


Completed: March 2016

Construction Time: 38 hours

Worn At: Anime Boston 2016

Status: Active

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