Based on the character from the animated television series Voltron: Legendary Defender, created by Dreamworks Animation Television and distributed by Netflix.
I just wanted to cosplay Matt so I could behave like a meme without anyone telling me I was acting out of character. It was a lot of fun to make and wear this costume.
The bodysuit is black spandex with a panel of Yaya Han's Ultrapreme in silver. The pants are made of canvas and with wool knee patches. The "shirtless sleeves" are made from cotton with the same wool patches, and are attached to armor created from eva foam and the same Ultrapreme. The cloak was made with a brown rough in texture fabric that's part of the Yaya Han collection as well.
Completed: February 2018
Construction Time: 48 hours
Worn At: Matt Holt Con 2018
Status: On Hiatus